The Vauxhall School Knowledge-athon starts today! This is a fantastic opportunity for everyone in the family to test their general knowledge and have some fun learning about Aotearoa and our wonderful little school. Our fundraising target for this event is $8,000 with all money raised going toward our Senior Playground Upgrade.
Students have two weeks to find sponsors to support them on their knowledge-quest before taking the Quiz in school during week 1 of term 4. Kauri and Totara will complete the quiz via an in class kahoot with Nikau, Rimu and Miro being tested by the senior school. The focus is on taking part, working together and having a go.
Once again we will be awarding a whole class pizza lunch for the year group with the best participation. There will be 10 spot prizes awarded at assembly for participation. Children who have returned their sponsorship forms and donations (can be made directly into the school fundraising account 12-3015-0474077-06) by 20 October will be eligible to be in the draw.
Syndicate Questionaires online copy;
Online sponsorship form is here.
Paper sponsorship form is here.
Thank you to our sponsors:
Paragon Matter, Seahawk Fishing Charter,
Stirling Sports, ezlunch & Auckland Transport.