Travel Wise (Walking School Bus)

We are a TravelWise School

There are many ways children can travel
safely to and from school:

  • Walk as a family or join a Walking School Bus
  • Bike, scooter or skate
  • Carpool
  • Park further from the school gate and walk some of the way


Walking is the best all round exercise children can have. This is the best way to travel for families living closest to the school.

School Crossing Patrol Times

Morrison Ave: 8.45am- 9am & 3pm – 3.15pm

Staff and parents supervise the crossing during these times.

travel wise
travel zone

Cycling / Scooting

Students in years 5 and 6 can cycle to school independently. They require written permission from a parent/guardian and should undertake the safety course led by the Police Education officer at school.

We provide high visibility vests for all children attending this course. Children must wear a helmet and shoes.

We encourage all children who scooter to school to wear a high visibility vest, helmet and shoes.


Check to see who, lives in your area and take turns driving the children to school.

The fewer cars around our school at bell time, the safer it will be.

Park and Walk

To avoid congestion at our school gate, park a short distance from School and walk the rest of the way.

We encourage you to avoid Morrison Ave and use one of our Park and Walk options to help us avoid congestion at our school gate.

Try one of the following park and walk options.

Wairoa Road to Morrison Ave Walkway. Less than 1 min walk to school.

Wairoa Road to North Ave Walkway. Less than 2 min walk to school.

Other options include parking on the western side of Vauxhall Road so there are no roads to cross.


If you need to park close to the school, we use a voluntary one way system to ensure the traffic flows please enter via Morrison Ave and exit via North Avenue then Turbull Road.

We have limited parking in Morrison Ave. The P5 signed area is for immediate drop off and pick up only. Please be considerate.

  • Always model good road safety behaviour for children to copy.
  • Always let your child out of the car on the footpath side.
  • Always use the pedestrian and school crossings.
  • Do not wave or call your children across the road.
  • Always drive slowly near school and watch for children at all times.
  • Respect our neighbours by parking clear of their driveways.
  • The teachers carpark is out-of-bounds to parents and students.

Walking School Bus

A walking school bus (WSB) is a group of children that walk to school under the supervision of adult volunteers.

The WSB keeps to a timetable and children can join or leave at designated stops along the way.

The WSB is a safe way for young children to learn about road safety and gives plenty of opportunity to make new friends.